Majorityrights News > Category: Jewish Diaspora

Trump’s Jewish Cabal

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 March 2016 06:26.

Trump’s Jewish cabal

Who Controls Donald Trump?

Donald Trump’s Jewish Cabal

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Michael Cohen

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazi Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Gil Dezer

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazi Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer

Alan Garten (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Alan Garten

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazi Jew) – National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Michael Glassner

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt

Brian Harris (Ashkenazi Jew) – Chief Executive Officer, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Brian Harris (middle)

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazi Jew) – Owner and Chairman, Icahn Enterprises

Carl Icahn

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazi Jew) – Founder and Co-Owner, Kushner Companies

Charles Kushner

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazi Jew) – CEO, Kushner Companies; Publisher, Observer Media

Jared Kushner

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman and CEO, LeFrak Organization

Richard LeFrak

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazi Jew) – Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Corey Lewandowski

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazi Jew) – Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Stephen Miller

Sam Nunberg (Ashkenazi Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Sam Nunberg

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazi Jew) – Former Owner, Kinray

Stewart Rahr

George Ross (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

George Ross

Phil Ruffin (Ashkenazi Jew) – Owner, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino

Phil Ruffin

Felix Sater (Ashkenazi Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Felix Sater

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization Trump Organization LLC

Allen Weisselberg

Steve Wynn (Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman and CEO, Wynn Resorts

Steve Wynn

Lara Yunaska (Ashkenazi Jew) – Associate Producer, Inside Edition

Lara Yunaska

This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be destroyed

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 19 March 2016 09:52.

This “Norwegian” minister decided it would be bulldozed to make way for more housing..

Click on top image for video

White American Advocacy of Trump: The Arguments

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 10:23.

Republican leaders talk about how to deal with Trump (apparently, these are not actors):

First of all, my (DanielS) concerns are primarily metapolitical in nature, where political at all. I have never had faith in the dog and pony show of politics to look after our E.G.I.

Nevertheless, there are people who care about European/White E.G.I. who think it is important for strategic reasons to get White people en mass behind Trump.

Again, it won’t be this White man who cares, I have never liked Trump and don’t trust his values. A businessman is, by training, Manichean: truth and justice is not his objective, defeating others is; and in that game that he plays, changing the rules, if necessary to win, is what he will do.

Cyberneticists have famously observed that the engineer and the scientist by contrast, is focused on Augustinian devils - natural devils.

Perhaps that focus makes a scientist such as MacDonald gullible to the tactics and naive to the motives of a businessman like Trump.

However, in service of squaring things-off, so that we can have an accurate dialectic going on here, in order to arrive at what is more the case, rather than arguing against cardboard figures, lets try to render some of MacDonald’s best arguments as to why Trump is someone for Whites to get behind.

MacDonald’s arguments as I understand them:

1) Because he is independently wealthy, he can flout the PC norms that have hog-tied Whites and address the true and important concerns of what has been the implicit base in support of the Republican Party - White people.

- That candor to move the Overton window is opposed to the concerns of people in the clip; and the Jews who have policed White ethnocentric dissent with iron PC rule.

2) He will either a) take that implicit White base, tarry with its interests at least to some extent, gain its support; thus owe some genuine regard for its concerns for a change through its Republican auspices. Or b) Destroy the GOP (which the men in the video would hate).

Plan b is not a bad option according to MacDonald and to most White people in the know - the Republican Party has looked like us but has shown White people no loyalty. Quite the opposite, it has been every bit as complicit in our demise as the Democrats.

Bring on the grassroots of ethnocentric Whites to form a third party; and if he will, let Trump set it in motion, MacDonald says.

That is what Whites have always needed, an independently wealthy White man who will actually put his money behind Whites the way Jews put their wealth behind their interests.

3) If it were not for Trump, issues of the American border and immigration would not even have been mentioned by the Republican Presidential Candidates. Trump forced that issue upon Cruz, Rubio et al.

Trump brought that critical issue into White American consciousness and legitimized it despite the masters of discourse having de-legitimized discourse of its concern since 1965.

That is also crucial, according to MacDonald, since it will force people to pay more attention to who is behind mass non-White migration to America. KM adds, there is no question that it was Jewish interests that have done this; and once Whites begin to understand that, they will see that Jewish interests have had nefarious aims - that the results for White E.G.I have been and will be deadly.

4) Though KM and Duke do not emphasize the corporate complicity, they do acknowledge that it is working Whites who suffer the most from these immigration policies, from unskilled labor to H1B migrants.

- Trump has not only explicitly called for deportation and the building of a fence to keep out unskilled migrants

- He has also cited Rubio for calling not for reduction but the increase of H1B Visas.

5) Trump’s destruction of Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz means the destruction not only of politics as usual for the Republican Party, as these are the people that they wanted to nominate - but also of the Neo-Con agenda which lies deeper behind them.

In fact, William Crystal threatened to start a third party if Trump got the nomination.

MacDonald adds that the Neo-Con agenda is strictly Jewish. It has nothing to do with White interests and has been a disaster or White interests.

Therefore, MacDonald says, “so be it.” Let the White outrage begin if their votes are treated as if they don’t matter; let it be known who runs the Republican Party - Jewish Neo Cons and Corporate interests - let it be destroyed and a new third party that takes the side of Whites be born instead.

6) Trump is the best option also because he has the best chance for White interests against Hillary Clinton - if she wins that is a disaster because she is the quintessential neo-liberal, neo-con dream all in one: completely beholden to the worst domestically and foreign - of right wing economic and military objectives and PC cultural agendas.

7) It is important to get behind Trump now because if it takes another 8 - 12 years for someone like him to come along it might be too late for Whites to wield voting power enough to sway the political direction to their interests.

Ted Cruz’s Wife Sanctioned By Goldman-Sachs Under Abrahamic Jurisdiction

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 02:10.

Ted Cruz’s wife is sanctioned as an executive for Goldman-Sachs to campaign for Ted Cruz, demonstrating that hers and Ted’s Christianity is under Abrahamic Jurisdiction and does not conflict with Goldman-Sachs agenda.

Centerville, U.S.A. - Churches and Liquor Stores

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 14:10.

Living the nightmare of “Centerville U.S.A.” - a nightmarish trip from which a large part of Americans will not wake.

Speaking of discursive structures directing the sheeple to be herded into Abrahamic mind-control centers, there is a church on every corner in the towns of Indiana, U.S.A.

Reality is not lived there, it is a lived nightmare.


So TT informs us, to his utter disgust.

If only the majority of American White men would wake up. But no, the nightmare known is preferred.

They’d prefer to live “The Book of Revelation, Beast from the Abyss, Seven Deadly Plagues”, etc. LOL.

“Can’t save the sheeple, they will just have to be culled.” - TT


Living the nightmare trip as it were….

            “churches and liquor stores ” - Centerville, U.S.A.


Farrakhan and “Black Lives” difference calls into question disruption of Trump backers

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 10:56.

While Louis Farrakhan praises Trump for what he believes to be his independence of Jewish interests, “Black Lives Matter” demonstrated that black lives don’t necessarily matter if they wholeheartedly support Trump.

CT, “BREAKING: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters” 12 March 2016: African-American supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has died after allegedly sustaining gunshot wounds in the aftermath of Friday night’s chaos in Chicago.

Robert King Bullock, aged 37, was a resident of Chicago’s Evanston suburb. According to Bullock’s friend, who also attended the Trump rally, Robert was an avid chef, and he recently obtained his Masters of Business Administration and planned to open a local restaurant.

This source spoke with CTN on the condition of anonymity, and asked to be referred to as “Terry.” He called for Bullock’s death to serve as a reminder to anti-Trump groups and the mainstream media.

“Rob was a black man, but he supported Trump because he got tired of Democrats saying his race was the thing holding him back,” Bullock’s friend told CTN.

“[Rob] lost his job because of Obamacare.  He lost his brother to black-on-black gang violence.  Now he lost his life because he believed in a white man.  His race didn’t have a damn thing to do with what held him back.”

Bullock and Terry were separated in the chaos that followed the protesters’ interruption of the planned Trump rally, which led to widespread violent scuffles and the event’s cancellation.  It is believed that he attempted to make his way to a nearby bar to charge his dead cell-phone and reconnect with Terry.

Multiple sources have confirmed that protesters and Trump supporters continued to clash as they moved from the UIC Pavillion to their vehicles and nearby locations.  It is believed that Bullock, at some point after leaving the event center, was confronted by protesters, beaten, then allegedly shot two times in the abdomen and left shoulder by a small to medium-size handgun.

The following picture allegedly was taken as police walked the crime scene north of the UIC Pavillion, where the Trump rally was held.

Terry says that the circumstances surrounding the events are still unclear, and he only learned of Bullock’s death when his business card was found in the victim’s pocket.  Terry says that Bullock asked for his contact information when the chaos erupted and he realized that his phone battery was dead.

Bullock’s body was discovered in the early hours of the morning by two homeless gentlemen.  He was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead,

Terry says that two signs were also found next to Bullock’s body.  One read, “Stop The Racist Trump.”  The other was marked with, “Donald Trump = KKK.”

Farrakhan’s home base is in Chicago. He is the most respected black leader among blacks. If he likes Trump most among the leading candidates, it raises questions as to the “organized and organic” disruption of Trump’s speech - “Black Lives Matter” style - in Chicago…

I like Trump. He’ll take America to hell in a rocket-ship because he really got the courage to do it; and the reason I like it is because he ain’t bought and paid for (but that don’t mean that you should vote for him).

Louis Farrakhan, Chicago.

Mr. Trump is peeling away the skin of the onion of White civility….he is beginning to show something in the character of the Whites that follow him; that they don’t care what he says. He could say one thing this minute another thing the next minute; and you can see that the man has a little problem. He is exacerbating the race situation in America. And I will guarantee you, that if he becomes President, he’ll take America exactly where America is heading. He’ll take you there on a rocket ship. How can a man say that he’s not a thug, he’s a diplomat, he’s a President; we’ll go into Iraq and we’ll just take the oil. See, that’s the thug coming out. That’s that part of the nature of the beast that’s manifesting. Well, if he becomes your President, you’ll be just like him. ...when you get leadership that is not rooted in justice then they begin to make the people just like themselves. Be careful America, you are headed into the abyss of hell.

NYTimes, “Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles”, 11 March 2016:

CHICAGO — With thousands of people already packed into stands and music blaring to warm up the crowd, Donald J. Trump’s campaign abruptly canceled his rally here on Friday night over security concerns as protesters clashed with his supporters inside an arena where he was to speak.

Minutes after Mr. Trump was to have taken to a podium on the campus of a large, diverse public university just west of downtown, an announcer suddenly pronounced the event over before it had begun.

“Organized and organic” protestor with orange wristband

Note “Orange Revolution” wrist bands.

George Soros was an original backer of “Black Lives Matter”, “The Orange Revolution”, “Femen” and other neo-liberal “organic uprisings.”

Washington Post, “In Chicago, an organized and organic disruption of Trump”, 12 March 2016:

CHICAGO — The push to disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign rally began a week ago, when news first broke that the Republican presidential candidate would appear at the University of Illinois campus here on this city’s West Side.

Student leaders of campus organizations such as the Black Student Union and Muslim Student Association began organizing their own rally and march to the rally venue; a Facebook page publicizing the efforts attracted 11,000 people.

Every Day is New Years & Ready Access in Cologne

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 13 March 2016 09:30.

Every Day is News Years in Cologne

TNO, “Cologne is Everyday”, 11 March 2016:

Nonwhite invader rape and sex attacks are now so common in Germany that the events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve have become “every day,” according to a Google maps website set up to track the incidents.

New Years Celebrations Abound

The Twitter account, @XYEinzelfall (“individual cases”), has created a Google map to track police reports of crimes committed by nonwhite invaders in the country. “Cologne was just the tip of the iceberg,” the page says. “Cologne is every day.”

The Gatestone Institute has compiled a shocking list of sexual assaults and rapes by invaders in Germany in just the first two months of the year.

Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by the nonwhites in train stations, swimming pools, and other public places against victims as young as seven.

German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp), or “southern skin color” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.

Most recently, three girls aged 15, 16, and 17 were assaulted over two hours by a mob of up to 30 invaders at a shopping center in the northern city of Kiel.

Since the attack, which began when two Afghan men began stalking the teenagers and sharing photos on social media, other women have come forward to report similar experiences.

“Groups of young men gather at the Sophienhof [shopping center] every evening,” a restaurant owner told the Kieler Nachrichten newspaper.

“What they do here is unacceptable. The moment they see a young woman wearing a skirt or any type of loose clothing, they believe they have a free pass. It is about time migrants are made to understand: things in Germany function differently than in their home countries.”

READ Why Political Parties Will Not Save Britain from Extinction at hands of Third World Immigration

After the Cologne attacks, which German authorities and media initially attempted to cover up, a total of 1075 criminal complaints have now been filed from the New Year’s Eve attacks, including 467 alleging crimes of a sexual nature ranging from insults to rape.

Last month, prosecutors said most of the suspects were refugees. Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer said 73 suspects had been identified, of whom 12 were linked to sexual assaults.

He said earlier reports describing only three of the suspects as refugees were “total nonsense.” He told the Associated Press that “the overwhelming majority of persons fall into the general category of refugees.”

Some entered Germany saying they wanted to apply for “asylum,” while others had formally filed an application. Among the 15 suspects in custody was a Moroccan “asylum seeker” who entered Germany in November.

One female police officer in the northern city of Oldenburg told local newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung she feared a breakdown of public order in summer, when women begin to wear more revealing clothing.

        .......Every Day is New Years and Ready Access

Merkel defies EU states, wrecks immigration reform

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 March 2016 09:52.

Poland’s ruling party, PIS, attempts to increase autonomy

Euractive, ‘Merkel defies EU states, wrecks immigration reform’, 8 March 2016:

The EU summit which ended this morning (8 March) failed to reach a deal with Turkey to stem the unprecedented migrant crisis, as many heads of state and gov. opposed German Chancellor Merkel’s attempt to impose her own deal with Ankara.

        There has been discussion of some “Polish” heritage.

        Photo run by EU Observer to depict pathos and dependence.

EU Observer, ‘Poland’s PIS attempts to increase autonomy’, 11 March 2016:

The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party in Poland suffered two major setbacks this week.

On Wednesday (9 March), the nation’s Constitutional Tribunal declared a sweeping amendment limiting the tribunal’s powers to be unconstitutional.

On Friday, the Venice Commission, an advisory body to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, issued a powerful concurrence. Like the Polish court, it did not find a single major provision of the amendment, passed by PiS last December, consistent with European principles of democracy and the rule of law.

The twin decisions bring about a moment of truth for PiS. The party can either retreat from its overreach and try to implement its reform agenda within the current constitutional framework or set Poland on the path to authoritarianism.


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